Solving Differential Equations using MATLAB and Modeling | @learninghome99

Solving Differential Equations using MATLAB and Modeling 

Solving Differential Equations using MATLAB and Modeling

This course includes:
  • 36 mins on-demand video
  • 3 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
  • Understand the method for solving differential equations using MATLAB
  • Converting higher order differential equations to first order for solving in MATLAB
  • Understand the mathematical modeling of a physical system
  • Solve any modeled system using differential equations with MATLAB for the control applications
  • Basic knowledge of differential equations
Course Description :

Differential equations are widely used in all engineering branches to model any physical and real-world problems. To Implementation model based Control system, it is also essential to use a model of the system. It is always difficult for students who are beginners in MATLAB to solve any differential equations.  In addition, if the mathematical model, that students intended to solve is of a higher order then students find it difficult to solve as Matlab can only solve first-order differential equations. This course is designed to demonstrate how to solve ordinary differential equations using MATLAB.

MATLAB is capable to solve only first-order differential equations. ieve this course will help students with minimum training time

Who this course is for:
  • For All, who have to solve any differential equations using MATLAB
  • Beginner in MATLAB Coding
  • Any level of engineering students with master’s and PhD
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