Build Full Stack iOS Ecommerce App With Plaid and Stripe Course Catalog | @learninghome99

Build Full Stack iOS Ecommerce App With Plaid and Stripe Course Catalog

Build Full Stack iOS Ecommerce App With Plaid and Stripe Course Catalog

This course includes:
  • 13 hours on-demand video
  • 22 articles
  • 45 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
What you ll learn
  • Build Full Stack iOS Ecommerce App With Plaid and Stripe Course Catalog
  • Build full stack iOS Ecommerce App
  • Learn how to process credit card payments with Stripe
  • Learn how to process bank account payments using Plaid and Stripe
  • You learn how to set up deployment environments (for example dev, staging, production environments)
  • Learn how to utilize cloud functions to communicate with other servers for security reasons.
  • Utilize most of the extensive Firebase suite.
  • This is an intermediate to advanced course. You need an understanding of Swift and Xcode.
Course Description :

Hi there! I am super excited to launch this course. We are going to be learning a lot, covering a broad range of technologies, services, and skills. My goal is that by the time you are done with this course, you will have the skills to build a much wider range of applications.

In this course, we will build Bon Voyage. An iOS app where users can book extravagant vacations. We integrate Stripe and Plaid to handle payment methods for both credit cards and connected bank accounts.

Stripe and Plaid both require server-side functions, so you will learn all about Firebase Cloud functions. Cloud Functions alone greatly expand the things you can accomplish as a developer.

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We’re not stopping there though…
… you will also learn how to deploy a React admin app!
If you are building an eCommerce app either for yourself or a client, you will most likely need some sort of admin app.

In previous courses that required an admin app, I had created an additional iOS or Android admin app. However, the experience for the user is not great. Especially when adding products that require a lot of text and images.

A web app is much better suited for these types of tasks. So in this course, you will learn some of the basics of React development and how to deploy a React app to Firebase Hosting.

** Note that this is not meant to be a comprehensive course on React web development. While we will go over the code, and many concepts, how to deploy, and more, this is not meant to be a course on how to build a React app from scratch.

We will also learn about development and production environments for both web and iOS. This is a crucial concept most courses do not cover.

Deep dive on Stripe and Plaid.
I have been working professionally with Stripe and Plaid for two years now and it is a fantastic service. During this time I have learned a lot (and made some mistakes) and I am excited to pass all that knowledge on to you.

I have real-world experience working with Stripe and Plaid. My current client’s app has processed over $1,000,000 dollars and more than 3,000 transactions in the past 12 months.

If you know me at all, you know I love Firebase. They are my go-to for just about everything you need to build iOS, Android, and Web Apps. Below, are the Firebase services we will be learning about.

Firebase Authentication

Learn how to use Firebase Authentication to create and authenticate users on iOS, Android, and Web.

Firestore Database

Learn how to use Cloud Firestore, a flexible, scalable database for mobile, web, and server development from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform.

Firebase Storage

We will use Firebase Cloud Storage, built for app developers who need to store and serve user-generated content, such as photos or videos.

Cloud Functions
Cloud Functions are my new favorite thing. And when combined with the Firebase suite it becomes extremely powerful. In this course, you will learn how you can harness that power to take your apps to the next level.

Firebase Hosting

Firebase Hosting makes it extremely easy to host a website for free. In this course, we are going to host our Bon Voyage admin app and even learn how to hook it up to a custom domain.

Firebase Extensions

Firebase Extensions are nifty integrations you can set up that are basically bundled up code that can perform actions on your behalf, such as automatically sending email, or resizing images.

Who Should Take This Course

You should take this course if you are wanting to learn more intermediate to advanced topics, and especially if you want to learn how to implement payment methods in your app.
This is not a beginner course, and intermediate knowledge of Swift and Xcode is assumed. We will also be working with JavaScript, though not doing anything very complex. If you are familiar with Swift, you will be just fine.

Summary of things we cover:
Creating the App UI. But don’t worry, if you don’t want to watch me create more rounded rectangles, and want to jump right into the good stuff, there will be a starting point where the UI is completed.
Firebase Suite: Firestore, Hosting, Cloud Functions, Extensions, Authentication
How to set up production and development environments in iOS and Web.
Integrate Stripe. Utilize cloud functions to communicate between the client app and Stripe servers.
Integrate Plaid. Utilize cloud functions to communicate between the client app and Plaid servers.
ReactJS basics. How to deploy to Firebase Hosting.
Swift Package Management
Cocoa Pods
Sending emails to customers using SendGrid and Firestore
Who this course is for:
  • Intermediate iOS developers who are looking to challenge themselves, and expand their skill set.
  • Last updated 2/2021
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