Learn German for Beginners: An Immersive Language Journey A1+ Course
This course includes:
- 36 mins on-demand video
- 3 articles
- 1 downloadable resource
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
- Learn German for Beginners: An Immersive Language Journey A1+ Course
- Students will have a basic understanding of the German language. They will know most of the important grammar as well as many words and ready-made sentences for confident usage.
- This course is taught through the medium of English. You need a fairly good English proficiency in order to truly benefit from the course. If you are a beginner in English, you will inevitably struggle to keep up with the teaching.
- You need a computer or mobile phone with functioning video and audio as well as a stable internet connection.
Course Description :
In this course, your teacher Sonja will guide you through important Grammar and lots of words and example phrases, all nicely visualized by colorful and animated texts and icons.
Personal Teacher Feedback: Ask any German related questions and your teacher will reply to them personally.
A personal journal: Practice vocabulary and learn new words by filling in the gaps in your Germanix travel journey entries. Guided solutions and explanations of sentence structure are provided.
Small quizzes and exercises: These are for easy and quick repetition and check-up on what you’ve retained.
A fellow student: Bosco, your classmate, who is, in fact, a real student, will learn at the same time with you and ask questions you might also have.
Travel videos: After completion of the course, you will see your teacher in a more personal environment showing you around the amazing city of Berlin and giving advice on different travel or language-related topics.
With this German language course, you will jump in at the deep end of language learning and the amount of content covered will be enormous.
It has been designed in a way to stray away from standard language teaching, by making it interactive, entertaining and simply realistic. This course is suitable for complete beginners as well as people with already some knowledge of German. To make your journey really exciting, you will follow a storyline throughout the course and enjoy many complimentary extras.
This course will be constantly updated and expanded and you can contact your teacher any time if you have questions or need further clarification or even if you have built some sentences and want them checked.
Let’s make language learning fun and exciting. Enjoy your virtual exposure and jump right in! 🙂
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who is interested in the German language and still at the very beginning of their language learning journey. Intermediate students can also profit from countless features of the course as it does get quite intense towards the end.
- Content From: http://www.udemy.com/course/learn-german-immersive/
- Marketing Fundamentals Course
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