Kotlin for Beginners: Kotlin 2022 Programming Tutoria programming Tutorial | @learninghome99

Kotlin for Beginners: Kotlin 2022 Programming Tutoria Programming TutorialKKotlin for Beginners: Kotlin 2022 Programming Tutoria

This course includes:
  • 36 mins on-demand video
  • 3 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
  • Kotlin for Beginners: Kotlin 2022 Programming Tutorial
  • Use Kotlin, a new Java-based programming language created by Jetbrains, to create professional apps.
  • Learn the fundamentals of Kotlin and how it seamlessly interacts with Java.
  • Learn the fundamentals of the most significant development paradigm, object-oriented program development.
  • Use the well-known Java (and Kotlin) IDE Intellij to develop code efficiently and competently.
  • Both reading and writing Kotlin code.
  • No prior programming knowledge is necessary. Everything you need to know will be taught to you.
Course Description :

This course offers a distinctive Udemy experience. Although there are a ton of Kotlin materials available online, this is the only program that starts you off as a total novice in software development, guides you through the foundations and more complex concepts, and develops your expertise in this area. I’ve spent years creating Kotlin programs and years again instructing folks on how to write their own code. The goal of this course, which is the most comprehensive I’ve ever created, is to aid you in your quest to become a skilled developer.

The primary development paradigm you need to understand in today’s environment is object orientation, which is covered in this course as well. However, we’ll also look at functional programming ideas that can greatly simplify your life.

Once you are familiar with them, you will be able to grasp Java, PHP, C++, C#, Scala, or Swift, among other object-oriented languages. They have the same fundamental paradigms.

So, contribute to the development of this course and join the community there right now!
Who should take this course?
You don’t need any prior programming experience; we’ll start from zero and work our way up to increasingly difficult concepts over time.
Learning a fantastic new programming language should delight you!
You’ll need to know the basics of how a PC works, so you should know how to install and use the software.
Developers of Android who want to learn Kotlin should download and install the Kotlin SDK
Who this course is for:
  • Kotlin is for Android newbies interested in mobile development.
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