Car Flipping : The Art of Car Business in 90 Minute ! |2023+ | learninghome99

 Car Flipping : The Art of Car Business in 90 Minute ! |2023+ 

Car Flipping : The Art of Car Business in 90 Minute ! |2023+

This course includes:
  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
What you'll learn
  • Creating Successful Used Car Dealership
  • How to Talk to Customers
  • Identify and Manage Project Risks
  • Business Tips and Tricks
  • Marketing Strategies
  • No prerequisties
Course Description :

There’s a HUGE difference between simply operating a used car dealership business and operating a profitable used car dealership. To get a better idea of the possible demand for used cars in your area, you’ll need to crunch some numbers. By knowing the number of used cars sold in your area every year and month , you can estimate what percentage of the market you will be likely to be able to corner and reach. By locating the average profit per vehicle, you can get an approximate idea of how much profit and money your dealership able to make per year. While the groundwork associated with opening a dealership can be time-consuming, expensive, and demanding, the real test of your dealership’s viability doesn’t begin until after you open your doors to the public. Without the right management of your dealership, all the effort you put into laying the foundation will be wasted. While each state has its own rules and regulations, there are several important universal aspects of operating a car dealership and tips on how you can get the most out of your investment. Your customers are the single most important factor in the success or failure of your business, so taking the time to identify who they are and what they care about is absolutely vital. Take a look at the types of cars you plan on selling, then do some research to determine the age, gender, and income level of the average individual who owns those types of vehicles. Later down the line, this will allow you to tailor your marketing and advertising efforts toward those who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Make sure to base any of your conclusions regarding your target clients on real actionable data; don’t simply make assumptions.

Who this course is for:
  • Beginner Used Car Business Leaders
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